07 January 2008

Teach For America Update

Well, I heard from Teach For America today. They have not accepted me for the 2008 corps. I must admit that it is disappointing. Teaching is going well for me this year and I was very hopeful that TFA would take me. It would be the most direct and inexpensive way to certification while allowing me to earn income and gain experience at the same time.

Some of you know that I have been wrestling with whether I should try to go into grad school or teach. There is still one more possibility for teaching--a full-time position with Perspectives. I am not terribly optimistic about this, and honestly, it is almost a relief. What I want so much is to be back in the academy. I miss research, reading, discussion, writing. What does the future hold? I have no idea, but I am hopeful. I am also grateful that one door is closed.

Pray for me when you think of it and I'll keep you updated as things unfold.


My name is April. said...

I'm encouraged by your faith and by watching you listen for God's whispers of guidance. Sometimes closed doors can be so discouraging but that changes when you are trying to discern God's plan. Thanks Rebecca. I'm excited to see what happens through this process.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca, Where are you? Did you ever get a hold of Randi? Missing you, Gen

Momma Amy said...

How are you and what are you up to? I'm missing you! Hope things are going well and keep us up to date on what's happening in your life!

Love Ya,