17 May 2007

Notes from an Interview

Well, here I am with nothing to write on, a job interview that I am insanely early for, no umbrella and it looks like rain. Needless to say, I am nervous. This should be a piece of cake… I have no fear of teaching and what they are asking for is simple. But my perfectionism wants to jump in a point out my weaknesses, the temptation is to look on the worst case scenario (no job and the necessity of returning to Springfield for the rest of the month), and my stomach is churning.

This is the week for new experiences. I am moving into a Chicago apartment for the first time and for the first time I have ALL of my junk with me. I don’t remember the apartment being this small when we looked at it. Where am I going to put everything? I will have to purge ruthlessly and that is nerve-wracking and a lot of work. Not to mention that there is still some stuff in the car that needs to be unloaded and a pile of things at the GPs that still has to be brought up here. Aaack!

Okay, I have calmed down a little. It isn’t as bad as it seems. Sara has organized things to a wonderful degree. I can sleep in her room until I get mine serviceable and the bathroom is amazing! My shower curtain looks tacky, but at least we have one, and that is better than nothing. The tub is enormous and I can comfortably stretch out in it, so I foresee many relaxing baths in my future.

Aside from moving, which should be old hat by now, even if it is to an entirely new location, there are other new experiences. There is my interview, which will be over quicker than I expect, and Thursday I am meeting an attorney for coffee. An attorney that is interested in me as a possible romantic interest.

PS I got the job, and amidst technical difficulties galore, it is going well.


TulipGirl said...

You got the job! Woohoo! What is it?! (And how was coffee?!?)

Momma Amy said...

Congrats!! I hope you enjoy your new job. I'm sure with Sara's expertise you can get everything organized in your apartment. Post pics as soon as you can! I'm especially interested in hearing how coffee went with your lawyer!

Love You!!

Anonymous said...

It's Debbie w/ MTW checking in.. your blog is so fun, love the colors!!
Are you going to be passing through ST. Louis at any point?
I'd love to hear more about your job.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job! Hope coffee went well!

Anonymous said...

So glad you got the job! Of course, as we've all noted, we're really more interested in coffee than in work!!! So......How? Who? When? What? All the details!:-) See you this weekend! Love, Gen

Laura said...

oh my oh my! So excited for you that you got the job! yay! And coffee date with a lawyer friend?! Hope that went smoothly and that some chemistry sparked. ;) Good luck, hun, and let us know more!

Jean said...

Job. Lawyer. TELL US!

Ok, so I'm a little impatient. But pleaazze, when you get the chance, communicate and let us all know how everything went. LOVE YA!