27 February 2008

My inspiration

Some of you personally know my beloved sister Amy and her husband Daniel, and others only by hearsay. Whether I've gushed over them or not in your presence I do want to take this moment to congratulate them. Yesterday was their 8th wedding anniversary! I know it is not easy to be married (let alone be married with children) in this day and age. Not only has their marriage grown and flourished, but so has their family. Please check out Amy's post and pass on your congratulations for all of their hard work and love!

For the very few people in my life who may not have heard this already: Daniel is single-handedly responsible for restoring my faith in marriage. Watching his love for my sister and the passion and joy they bring to each others' lives has shored up my hope that there are still good men out there. Daniel, barring Dad, you are the greatest example of a loving husband and father that I have in my life! Thanks for your faithfulness!


Momma Amy said...

Thanks for the sweet words, Bec! I so look forward to meeting the special man God has in store for you! I know we will have such fun getting together, all of us, especially with all the kids we'll have running around. :)

TulipGirl said...

Awwwww. . .